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Dental Implants in Greenwood

dentist-holding-implant-modelDental implants are the “gold standard” for replacing missing teeth, and at Greenwood Dental Surgery, our principal dentist Dr Josh has advanced training in the area of restorative dentistry. If you are missing teeth, we would love to help you restore your beautiful smile with these long-lasting solutions!

What Are They?

Unlike dentures, which are removable, or bridges, which involve the teeth around the missing tooth, an implant is a permanent, stand-alone method of replacing teeth. A titanium screw is surgically placed in the jawbone, and when it heals, a crown is placed on top of the screw.

The result? A beautiful, natural-looking smile and the ability to eat, speak and smile as you would with natural teeth.
happy man in dental chair

What to Expect

We begin with a free consultation to determine whether you are a good candidate for an implant. We also need to check for any other dental health issues that must be addressed first. All this will be explained in detail.

We’ll also provide you with all available options and solutions that align with your unique situation; we’ll explain all the pros and cons, the expected longevity, possible complications and potential costs. When you’re ready to proceed, we’ll start by taking moulds of your teeth for a study model, and we’ll give you a referral for a special cone beam X-ray.

Once we receive the X-ray results, we will plan your procedure and then book you in for your surgery to have the titanium screw implanted. For this, we use a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort.

You’ll have a follow-up appointment about two weeks later. When the gums are completely healed, which takes approximately 3 to 6 months, you’ll return so we can place the crown on top of the post.

How Long Do They Last?

With proper care, implants can last a lifetime. After 15 years, 85% of implants are still functioning well. Of course, it’s important to brush and floss regularly and continue receiving routine check-ups and cleanings to ensure your smile stays healthy and beautiful!

Get Started Today

We offer a free consultation to discuss whether implants are a good choice for you. Contact us today to make a booking.


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Dental Implants Greenwood, Warwick, Kingsley WA | 08 9447 6416